Friday, 3 July 2015

A Big Day Tomorrow...112+ Miles

Tomorrow is going to be a rather busy day. In addition to going in to work for a few hours, later that evening I will be taking part in my second Dunwich Dynamo.

The Dunwich Dynamo is an organic annual cycling event where participants cycle from east London to the Suffolk coast, some 112 miles away. The event starts...well whenever you want but most will get under way by about 21:00. At some point on Sunday morning I will hopefully arrive at Dunwich beach.

A ride of 112 miles has to be respected but the biggest factor for me at least is going to be the weather. Last year the heavens literally opened in what was near Biblical proportions. I suspect this year is going to be quite hot and humid and the need for water will be very important.

I don't particularly care for those hydro/bladder backpacks as I do not like the idea carrying a few kilos on my back for over 100 miles! If I did my back/shoulders would be suffering towards the end.  I intend to simply carry a couple of bottles and hope that I can make it to the halfway stop to refill.

I will be doing the Dunwich Dynamo with my friend and veteran of countless night rides, Geoff. Geoff rides at a good pace and I can just about keep up. This is a good thing. When riding with friends on a longer ride, for me at least the worst thing to do is to ride at a slower pace than you naturally want to, especially when you have so many miles to complete.

To all those taking part, best of luck and hope that you enjoy it. If you are doing the Dunwich Dynamo and see a chap on an orange Brompton, do say hello!

You can read my blog post from last years Dunwich Dynamo which gives you a good idea of what it will be like.

Dunwich Dynamo 2014

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