Friday, 31 July 2015

Final Brompton World Championships Prep

Well, with the Brompton World Championships but a step away and for the first time in London I decided to carry out some last minute prep and I am rather glad I did!

I will be taking my Titanium Orange Brompton with me tomorrow and after giving it a clean, some oil to the chain I took it out for a test run. The Tiller Cycles metal chain guard - which is in a fetching shade of orange matching the bike rather well - was making far too much noise for my liking. In fact over the past few journeys this has started to annoy me, so off it came and the original plastic Brompton guard put back on. No more annoying clanging sounds.

The rear tyre looked a little low on pressure so putting some air in I went for a quick spin. About an hour later the tyre looked low again. Taking the tyre off I could see that the inner tube had a small hold in it. Not sure how it got there as I haven't used the Titanium one much since the Nocturne? Replacing it didn't take too long and things look much better.

Last thing I did was to put the rider numbers on to my jacket and on the bike. There are lots more than previous years. There is a body number for the rear of your jacket. Shoulder numbers on left and right shoulders. Handlebar number as per usual for the front of the bike and even a number for the top of the tube. In addition to this there is a wristband.

On the weather front things are looking pretty good, however this is England we are talking about and the weather can quite literally do whatever it wants!

Remember if you are there and see a tall chap on an Orange Titanium Brompton, with an orange theme going on in the clothing department, please come and say hello.

To everyone taking part (spectators and participants) I wish you the very best of luck and hope that you enjoy the day. Spectators, should you see me glide past I would be obliged for some shouts of encouragement...I'll need them!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you will be videoing again - I really enjoyed your video last year


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