Sunday, 6 February 2022

Four out of five days for my new Brompton commute

Last week saw slightly better weather so I decided to commute to and from work on my Brompton. I have to say, I am very pleased that I did. 

As you may know if you have been reading this blog for a while, I have three Brompton bicycles. The oldest is my Orange, Black Special Edition. Next an Orange Superlight with a few titanium bits and the newest arrival a Cloud Blue, that despite not being orange I really like a great deal. My Orange, Black Special Edition has pretty much become the Brompton I use for wet weather and commuting on. No particular reason here but it just seems to work well for me. Saying that, I have used all of the my other bikes for commuting and wet weather riding and it is very much decided on the day as to which one I fancy taking out. 

You might have seen the ride profile of my commute in a previous post. It is a very short commuting of just over four miles but the first three are all pointing upwards. Nothing terrifying but enough to keep things more than a little interesting. The return after an initial slog uphill then sees things loving more or less downhill until I reach a little lump before getting home. 

I have really enjoyed this commute and that feeling of better weather on its way in the not too distant. Another feature of the commute - if I leave at a certain time - is that I pass an elderly gentleman on his mobility scooter coming in the opposite direction. The first time I said hello but the second time I stopped to have a chat which was lovely. I didn't see him again until the last day I took the Brompton to work but again I stopped to have a chat before pedalling on. 

The Brompton really is King for the daily commute as far as I am concerned and wearing a suit and seeing the reaction of people as you glide by always brings a smile to ones face. Next week the weather looks good for most of the week, with the only thing stopping me if if I see lots of ice on the car windscreen. 

Until next time, stay safe out there people!

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