Sunday, 14 April 2019

Tweed Run - some tickets available

I think I have attended five Tweed Run events and always enjoyed them. The Tweed Run is and event where participants dress up in their finest - hopefully with a little or lots of tweed - and cycle around London at a fairly sedate pace. It is great fun to be part of and the look on peoples faces as a peloton of tweed passes by is a slight to behold.

I was lucky enough to get a ticket for the Tweed Run to be held on Saturday, 5th May the day they were released and as always is the case for the Tweed Run they sold out very quickly.

If you are available for this date, the people at the Tweed Run have released a few more tickets. I am not sure that many people are aware of this as they have probably assumed they have sold out. The tickets are £32.57 and available on their website. I would imagine that they won't be available for long.

1 comment:

  1. hope to see you tomorrow on the tweed run; will be recumbent....
    as usual


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