Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Half a Million Page Views!!

Yesterday make the point at which I surpassed 500,000 page views! Getting past half a million page views was something I had not expected to achieve so soon into 2014. It is really great that YOU out there have helped me achieve this significant milestone.

As many of you know this blog was initiated simply as an online diary of owning a Brompton and what I got up to. I could not have predicted the many adventures I have been on when I started it or reaching this amount of page views.

Thank you again if you are reading this now, whether you have been with me since the beginning or only recently. I am very grateful.

Since I have reached the half a million level I thought it only fitting to offer a little reward.

This is what you need to do:

  1. Post a comment (not via the orangebromptoninfo email address) saying which is your favourite blog post and why
  2. The comment I like the best will win a 10 x 8 print of the picture below
  3. All comments will need to be posted on this blog post by Monday, 21st April 2014
  4. The winner will be announced Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 and will need to email an address they would like their photo sent to

Thank you again and keep reading! Lots more adventures to come!!


  1. Does that mean I only have a 1 in 500,000 chance of winning? David P

    1. Hardly. Your odds will be pretty good I suspect but if I get 500,000 comments on this post I'd be pleased.

  2. Half a million congrats! A well deserved achievement!
    Ulrich Sander

  3. Easy one for me see, the one about protecting your brompton using helicopter tape. My bike is still in perfect condition while my friends is a mass of cable rub. So a big thank you for that article.


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