Sunday, 23 October 2011

Two Speed Brompton Testing

I am just back from my Sunday Brompton ride in London.  As I forget my phone I didn't manage to take any photos which is a putty as I passed a mens clothes shop on Wigmore Street with the most shocking outfits I have ever seen! Who would wear them I don't know. I will return there with my iPhone another time but I do know this particular shop changes its displays often.

Tomorrow I will be hiring a two speed Brompton. As you know I have been riding my current Brompton for the past few weeks with just two gears to try and replicate what a 2 speed might be like. So far I have to say I quite like the simplicity of just two speeds. I will be able to test this out fully tomorrow and it should allow me to decide if a 2 speed is the way to go.

My other deliberation has been handlebar type. I currently have a M type but have been lusting after an S type. Being just over 6 feet tall I have been worried about whether it is going to be comfortable enough. I do have a couple of friends who are much taller than me, both with an S type and swear by it. The only trouble is they live too far away for me to have a test run.

Of course colour is the other massive decision. I was thinking Black then moved on to Yellow, then Turkish Green and now I can't get the simply elegance of the Raw Lacquer. This in particular looks stunning, especially in an S type!

I will let you know how I get on and whether I like the 2 speed. I am quite excited at the prospect of finally having a go on one.

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