Monday, 17 October 2011

Sunday Morning on a Brompton

Yesterday I went for a Sunday morning cycle - for a second week running. (I wonder if I'll do the same when it really gets colder)?

My first port of call was Tower 42. I wanted to go there as it was mentioned by David Lindo in his talk at the Wetlands Centre last week. As I gazed up I tried to imagine what it would be like to look down from such a great height over London.

Once this was done on my way back away from the City I stopped briefly at St Paul's Cathedral to see the protestors in good spirits and in sizeable numbers. There was a fairly strong police presence which must have been for this.

Going back along The Strand I fancied going to Temple Church. Even though I used to work within a stones throw of the actual church, I have great difficulty finding my way to it! This is because there are copious amounts of building work, renovations and consequent road closures. Eventually I did find it but felt Harry Potter-like when he tried to find platform 9 3/4!

When I was out I saw loads of other Brompton riders. On a weekend they generally fall into two broad categories.

1) The lycra, full cycle gear type who rides with BWC attitude.

2) The ordinary type who rides at a leisurely pace in normal non-cycling attire.

Which type was I on Sunday I hear you ask? I am afraid to say, shocked even, that I was a type 1.

My question to you is, what type are you?

1 comment:

  1. Me = Type II. I use a reflective vest and I do wear a helmet.

    Type I is great if it works for you, if ya ask me!

    Paz :)


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