Saturday, 20 March 2021

Brompton night time spin to Kew Gardens and back

With another sale of another surplus to requirements Brompton bag, I headed off in the early evening to Kew Garden to meet them and hand it over. 

Taking the scenic route my entire ride would see me clock up 23 miles. The agreed time was 19:00 and this time my route did not involve my wheels coming anywhere close to a canal towpath!

It was a lovely evening, with a gentle breeze and temperatures that made for pleasant cycling. As I approached Kew Gardens just before 19:00 memories of several rides to Box Hill and back came to mind. I have been to Box Hill several times over the years, with the start location of every one from just opposite the Victoria Gate entrance. In fact as I parked up to take the photo below, I half expected the Brompton crew of Mark (King of the Hill), David, Dr John and a few others roll in at any moment. I made a mental note to put this into the diary for the future...when we are all allowed

The buyer of my bag was Chris and she arrived bang on time. It has been ages since we saw each other and we chewed the fat for a while before saying our goodbyes.

As I cycled back I went through a small private road that had a wonderful surface dotted with little LED lights. It was all rather lovely and I liked it. 

I think that we are still a long way from the normality we once took for granted but hopefully rides of at least 6x people might be able to start up again soon. I have plans for lots of duo rides with my dear friend Dr John - assuming I can drag him out and convenience him to join me. Until then I have been getting my bikes ready for nocturnal adventures.

Stay safe out there people!

The start location for many a ride to Box Hill and back!

Shiny lights.

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