Saturday, 28 March 2020

Orange Brompton Lockdown!

To start with thank you to all of you who have sent a message asking if I am okay and wishing that I keep safe. I am very grateful. An especially big thank you to those of you from Italy, Spain, New York and China as we are all experiencing tough times.

It is strange to think that us Brompton types have in many ways our own little sub-culture in which we share an unusual but common bond in the form of a small folding bicycle!

Like many of the countries and cities you might come from, the UK is in Lockdown. This means that you are not supposed to leave your home unless you are going to work, getting food or going out for one for of exercise - which includes cycling. 

I fall into the category of key worker so I have been going to and from work as normal. Thankfully my journey does not involve any form of public transport.  Those of you who have been reading my ramblings for a while may know how much I dislike using it at the best of times. It is one of the reasons I love my Brompton bicycles so much, as it means I can just cycle instead.

London is a very, very strange place at the moment. First thing in the morning it is quiet; more so than being up early on a Sunday before a bank holiday! 

I have never seen so many people walking their dogs, in gym-wear jogging or power walking and people on bicycles (lots on the pavement). Despite cyclists not supposed to be in groups of more than two, I have sadly seen riders in pelotons being totally selfish and ignoring this. If it continues I can see cycling being excluded as a form of exercise.

I plan to venture out on very local rides with limited millage as often as I can. I live in very quiet crescent that is 0.7 of a mile to circumnavigate. I definitely won't be going further afield. 

A loyal reader alerted me to one of my old blog posts How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse on a Brompton! that they liked.  I post the link here purely as a bit of light reading if you wish to. 
Wherever you are - and there isn't really any part of the world excluded from coronavirus at the moment - keep yourself and those close to you safe. If you can get out on your Brompton safely do so and if not you might have some time on you hands to give it a deep clean!

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