Sunday, 26 January 2014

One Very Proud Dad!!

Early this morning we took my eldest daughter for her first cross country running event with her Army Cadet troop. 

I must confess to thinking that I would not care to do so in heavy rain and rather chilly conditions. Also at just over 12 years old she was the youngest taking part. 

Mrs Orange, our youngest daughter and I  waved her off and returned to the warmth of our car, there not being any suitable viewing area even if we had wanted to. I suspect Mrs Orange and I were more nervous than our eldest daughter!

The course was 3 km and after walking the full route first, the 85 taking part were off. When our daughter returned she quite modestly informed us that she had come 6th. I was immensely proud!! 

We will now quickly return home so she can have a hot shower and get a change of clothes before taking her for a celebratory meal. 

I suspect I will bore people to death for a while about this but perhaps that is what a proud dad does. 

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