Thursday, 15 August 2013

Hyde Park Training Run

I haven't been on my Brompton since the Brompton World Championships and felt that I needed to get out and go for a mini training run. I had no intention of burning rubber or going on a demanding route but wanted to clock up at least 10 miles. As my training partner Bumble B had been feeling below par for a few days I managed to rope him in to joining me.

We settled on Hyde Park and met at the Achilles Statue - the meeting point for so many iBikeLondon rides. The weather was good and the forecast of rain didn't really materialise. A small amount of light drizzle was all we encountered.

The park was busy and dozens of tourists were cycling along on Boris Bikes (some of them incredibly badly). When we stopped for a coffee a young tourist approached me excitedly asking where he could hire a bike like mine? I politely informed him that it was in fact my bike but felt like quipping £1600 an hour.

The bikes together

The great thing about owning a Brompton and riding regularly in a group is the simple friendships one can make along the way. My partner in crime and I are a bit of a double act - where there is one there is usually the other. Today was not about seeing the sights or setting a personal best. It was more about two friends chewing the fat, sharing our respective plans for our bikes and laying the foundations for copious amounts of rides to take us up to Christmas...

The long stretch of Hyde Park


  1. You should've referred him to the Brompton Dock locations at the University of Greenwich or in Ealing.

    1. I could but I suspect both of those locations wold have been too far away!


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