Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Cycling Magazines for the Brompton Rider

I like to think that us cyclists are all on the same team, whether roadies, mountain bikers, hybrid, folders, hipsters on fixies and any other bike type I have not mentioned. However, when visiting ones local newsagent the genre of magazine that one can purchase well and truly geared to the road bike user.

Many of these magazines offer very interesting articles that draw in the Brompton user. There are articles on nutrition, how to ascend hills, how to descend hills, how to rider faster, what to eat and what to wear. As I have stated these articles are directed at the roadie but I like to think that there is some crossover. I mean, I do all of these things and more. 

I have read about how the director of Team Sky has deliberated a great deal about marginal gains. This is where numerous small changes can collectively help to produce a greater overall result. I have recently embraced this with regards my Titanium Orange Brompton. Tyres have been changed, mudguards taken off. A new super light saddle has replaced my Brooks leather offering as it saved over 300g in weight. I have even considered changing a few bolts for titanium ones that might save a further 50g. Surely all these collective minor changes will reap rewards?

A recent article gave advice on how to tackle Alpine climbs. Mrs Orange Brompton tutted when she glanced at this and asked when I was going to take a Brompton up a mountain? I pointed out that its advice might prove useful. I then retold tales of Ditchling Beacon, that uncharted mountain on the recent Whitstable ride and a London to Oxford ride planned for later in the year as if to illustrate my point. Satisfied with my defence I continued reading 'Cycling Plus' magazine August issue which had an article titled 'Beat Every Hill.'

These cycling magazines do provide interesting reading and although I tend to take their advice with a pinch of salt they do give the Bromptonian food for thought. I will hopefully be going on a London to Brighton ride in the not too distant future and I will of course let you know how I get on with the many hills I will have to overcome. I will also tell you whether the advice offered for beating any hill works for me!

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