Thursday, 28 October 2021

Brompton change the names of their bike models

Not that long ago Brompton decided to change the way they names their bicycles. Previously it was all M, S and H but now it's A, C and C Electric. Oh, and there is also Low, Mid and High handlebars. Confused? Don't be.

The A Line:

  • 3 x gears
  • Mid handlebar (M in old money)
  • White main frame and black extremities 
  • No mudguards

For my money this looks a little like the B75 but in a different guise - older handlebar and brake levers.

The C Line:

  • 2, 3 or 6 geras
  • Low, mid, high handlebar 
  • Front carrier block included 
  • Choose your colour 

Within the C Line are a few sub-categories

C Line Urban:

  • 2 x gears
  • Low, mid, high handlebar 
  • Mudguards
  • Lighting and rear rack optional 

C Line Utility 

  • 3 x gears
  • Low, mid, high handlebar 
  • Mudguards
  • Lighting and rear rack optional 

C Line Explore 

  • 6 x gears
  • Low, mid, high handlebar 
  • Mudguards
  • Lighting and rear rack optional 

Brompton Electric C Line Urban

  • 2 x gears
  • Mid, high handlebar 
  • Mudguards
  • Lighting intergraded

Brompton Electric C Line Explore

  • 6 x gears
  • Mid, high handlebar 
  • Mudguards
  • Lighting intergraded

There has been much chattering about why Brompton has gone to the trouble of renaming what they call their bikes instead of thinking of disc brakes, several more gears...the list goes on. I go on lots of rides that the Brompton really isn't meant for. It is essentially an urban commuter and that is its target market - both here and worldwide. I will continue with the urban commute, pottering around and going on longer adventures on my 3x Brompton C Line Explore, Mid  bicycles with optional lighting! 

I am sure that Brompton had a good reason to make this change. Trying to put myself into the shoes of a an urban, hip city dweller (those days are long since past since I could be described hip, if at all) I am wondering if it all makes sense and would I be able to find what Brompton suited me best? I think it probably does. I am just glad that there isn't the option for the standard and firm suspension block!

Stay safe out there people!


  1. Hi Mr Orange!

    This is Ulrich from Mexico. The past 13 years I did acquire 8 or 9 Brommies.

    As for now I do own my perfect two: A 2013 titanium M6LX raw lacquer, and a 2016 black P6L

    I am mortified for all the marketing oriented decisions at Bromoton HQ

    ONE of the reasons I do love brommies is tradition and excelence

    It seems to me that now they just want my money.

    I completely disagree.

    Shame on them.




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