When I went for a test ride at Condor last week, the bike I tested was fitted with a saddle by the Italian manufacturer, Fizik. I didn't order my new bike to come with this saddle thinking that I would simply bring along one of my Specialized saddles instead. I did like the Fizik saddle quite a lot and afterward though that it might just be the ticket for my new bike.
A few days later I was still thinking about this saddle. Not with much hope I put in a search into a popular site and saw that the very saddle I was after was up for sale at a very good price. I put my bid in and thought not much more about it. In fact it was during the wait at the Nocturne start line that I found out I won and actually paid for it too just before the heat commenced, being the only person to bid.
I received the saddle today after a couple of failed delivery attempts and it is every bit as gorgeous as I remember of on the test ride.
The Fizik saddle is extremely lightweight when compared to a Brooks - what wouldn't be - and I would say that it is even lighter than my Specialized saddle which I have always regarded as being extremely good on the weight front. Buying a steel framed road bike I am fully aware that it is not the lightest bicycle I could have chosen but I didn't want to stick a Brooks on it.
The saddle is equipped with black manganese rails which will help me achieve the look I am going for.
Like many of the Fizik line of saddles it had a little Fizik clip on the underside of the saddle with come out and into which you can attach a Fizik saddlebag. It is a very good system and a couple of neighbours who have road bikes swear by it. I will have to look into this.
Being an Italian company, the saddle is made in Italy - to me a very welcome bonus - and I find the minimalist, understated styling refreshing and pleasing to my eyes.
I am very much looking forward to taking this with me to Condor Cycles in a few weeks time to have it fitted to my new bike. For me it provides an important finished touch to what I regard as a particularly lovely looking bike.
Nice advance purchase. Any thoughts as to how you will be carrying your luggage yet on the new Condor? I'm torn between having a rack fitted on the new Condor, as I already have an Ortlieb roll top pannier for my Thorn, or skipping the rack altogether and going with a saddlebag.