Tuesday 3 February 2015

Snowy Brompton Commute

My usual morning routine consists of turning the alarm on my iPhone to snooze, thinking that the extra 8x minutes of snooze time will in some way do me good. The reality is that the alarm has done its job of getting me up. Once it has dawned on me that I really do have to get up, I usually leap out of bed and perform a getting up scissor kick not that dissimilar to 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' in the popular television series of the same name. Once up I go to my window and peak outside in order to predict what the weather might be like for the day. This morning was a slightly gleeful moment.

Snow! This word might fill many with dread but for me it always brings out the child in me (not that difficult for me really). I got dressed, had breakfast and set off. For the first few hundred metres I was cycling in virgin snow untouched by anyone else. The all too familiar crunching, creaking sound of snow being compacted by the tyres as I cycled along was wonderful. Looking back I could see the tracks left by my Brompton.

Sadly, by the time I reached a busier stretch of road the snow had all but gone. Still cycling in the cold, windy conditions was enhanced with the white stuff on the pavements and trees. The whole journey in the snowy conditions was made even better upon reaching work. I opened the door to my office locked my Brompton up and retired for a cup of tea. Never has a humble beverage tasted so good!

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