Monday, 1 January 2024

Welcome to 2024 on a Brompton people!

2024 is here and I am hoping that as far as the cycling front is concerned things are a little better than 2023. 

Many of the rides I go on require a train back into London and sadly many of these adventures had to be cancelled due to strike action being taken. This has meant getting there would be fine but the return journey back...would be a nightmare and all but impossible. There were even a few rides cancelled due to weather conditions. Even the rides I go on with Dr John couldn't happen due a combination of the above and availability of one or both of us. 

So, 2023 has seen me fall back on the sort of rides I used to do ages ago. These are basically adventures in and around London. They normally have an historic vide but I have done rides where the theme has been Art Deco, Brutalism, Harry Potter locations, the books of PG Wodehouse, locations of my favourite television programmes from my childhood to name but a few. I have of course taken hundred of photos while out and about on these journeys.

I have also come to the decision that I am going to sell my Cloud Blue Brompton. I still really, really like this colour and the bike is pretty much perfect but I rarely use it to cycle to work anymore, which was its intended purpose. Whoever eventually buys it will get a wonderful Brompton. 

I will not be doing the Ride 100 or the Dunwich Dynamo this year. (Well in truth still undecided about the Dynamo). I do plan to do as many of the night rides to the coast as I can and supplement the official ones with as many as I can drag Dr John on as possible. 

So dear reader. Have a happy and healthy 2024 and if you are a cyclist Brompton or otherwise, keep pedalling. 

Until next time, stay safe out there people!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you. Glad you are back blogging. I thank you.
    Kind regards - Robert.


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