Sunday, 21 January 2024

The Brompton 12x speed

A few weeks ago one of my dear readers pointed out that in an owners manual about adjusting gears for the P Line, it mentioned a 12 gear version. It seems that along with more than a few other rumours, the reality is here. 

I think that it was always on the cards. A version of the Brompton gear hub would fit quite nicely in a wheel along with the 4x sprockets and all the other bits needed to run the gear cable are present and correct on the P Line - and I suspect the T Line. Think of this version as a Brompton with knobs on! 

The prospect of 12x gears will appeal to many out there. It would make ascending hills easier and motoring along the flats even speedier than before. Could this be the direction of travel for all future Brompton bikes?

It does seem likely that an all steel version could be on the cards. There is after all already a 4x speed Brompton Electric. A non-electric version is perhaps next to complement the P and T. 

With so many people happily commuting or going on adventures on the 2x, 3x and 6x speeds, these are all perfectly okay. I would imagine they will still be going strong in years to come. 

If you are at Brompton Junction in London, you will be able to view this 12x speed in all its glory. It is set to be released to the buying public soon.

Will I be getting one? Almost certainly not but never say never. The more important question is, will you?

Until next time, stay safe out there people!

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