Thursday, 30 June 2022

Preparing for the Dunwich Dynamo

It does seem like ages since I participated in the Dunwich Dynamo. The stumbling block has for me always been how one gets home. This year with a coach ticket and Geoff attending I am looking forward to it. 

The Dunwich Dynamo will take place on Saturday, 16ht July into Sunday 17th July and will almost certainly see a few thousand riders on all sorts of bicycles take part. The ride is over 110 miles and I cannot really say (despite the title of this blog) that I have done any preparation at all for it. 

I have yet to decide which of my Brompton bicycles I will take with me. I have completed a previous Dynamo on my Orange Black Special Edition. I might take it again but my Orange Superlight or my Cloud Blue would word equally as well. I will decide nearer the time perhaps.

My only prep it seems will hopefully be a nocturnal run to the coast with Dr John, sometime better now and next week. Apart from that, no preparation of any kind will be done. 

Part of the appeal of this and other night rides is the sunset and sunrise and experiencing cycling along country lanes, where the only sounds that can be heard are those from your bicycle or nature around you. It is quite additive. This year will feature a very strong and sizable Brompton contingent. I look forward to that. The other thing I will look forward to is not having to queue up for a place on a coach that won't depart for hours. This year, thing should be pretty slick. 

Until next time, stay safe out there people!

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