Monday, 31 December 2018

Have a happy 2019 on your cycling adventures!

As I write this in certain parts of the world 2019 has already begun. In fact I have received a few emails from Brompton and Surly riders in New Zealand wishing me happy travels for the new year - which for me in London is a few hours away.

I have slowed down the blog posts and could have written a great many more about what I have got up to during 2018, however time is always a big factor. I hope to increase the quantity in 2019 if time permits.

Thank you for continuing to return to read what I post or dip into my back catalogue (for want of a better expression). Despite the reduced number of posts from yours truly, you seem to read in the same - if not increasing - numbers. For that I thank you.

I do not have any significant plans for my cycling in 2019 other than to get on the road, enjoy the ride, take the odd photograph and have a few cups of tea / slices of cake on the way. I hope to do several night rides to the coast as part of a large group and in-between them, do my own version on a smaller scale.

Whatever 2019 brings for you I wish you a very happy and prosperous new year and thank you again for the emails and support you have given.

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