Monday, 18 May 2015

Cycling Cufflinks all the way from North Dakota

This blog is and perhaps always will be an online diary of my cycling adventures and I am constantly humbled by the many kind emails I receive from all corners of the globe.

Very occasionally a valued reader feels the need to say a thank you to this humble blog writer in the form of a gift. So it was with some interest that I opened a small package all the way from Mandan, North Dakota in the USA.

The package had been sent by Peter and Kathy who like reading about my travels in and around London and who themselves both have fairly new Brompton bicycles.

Inside was a small cardboard box and inside that was a pair of cufflinks, that were no ordinary pair of cufflinks. They were small parts of a Campegnolo R11, 11 speed chain made into a pair of cufflinks.

Peter and Kathy didn't make the cufflinks as far as I am aware but they are brilliant! I am one of those people who insist on wearing double cuff shirts but I do not have that many cufflinks at all.

These are wonderful and I can see me wearing them everyday. I would imagine that to the more observant they will undoubtedly spark conservation about where I got them and what they are.

To Peter and Kathy I have to of course say a very big thank you. I am very grateful for this wonderful gift but it really wasn't necessary. I know that you are planning an extended holiday in Europe, of which London will feature highly on your list of places to visit. When you do come, please let me know so that I may thank you in person.


  1. What a lovely gesture! Happy for you, Mr. O.
    Peace :)

  2. They are ace, Mr. O - and very you!




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