Saturday, 17 March 2012

Busy times

I haven't been able to blog recently, mainly due to work commitments which have meant that I have been very busy. Hopefully things will ease off for a little while in a couple of weeks.

The warmer weather recently seems to have brought out all the fairer weather cyclists as on my daily commute I see a great deal more about. Such a shame that in London there doesn't seem to be any real drive at the moment to do something about safer cycling routes.

Mention of the BWC 2012 has already begun and thoughts of this will eventually sink in and induce me to train more often.

My Canon G11 has now gone and been exchanged for an Olympus EP 3. I must say that I love this little camera and it is now never far from my side. No matter what updates there are to it and what new models come out to replace it, this camera is definitely a keeper. I will be shooting with this for many years to come.

I hope to get out soon to not only test it out but take some arty shots of one of my Brompton's against the backdrop of London.

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