Monday, 21 March 2022

Being prepared or overkill?

Many of you out there ask what is the most vital piece of kit you take on longer rides. Apart from the obvious, spare cash, mobile phone, spare tube, CO2 canister and some tools there is one piece of kit I have taken with me on every such ride since 2013!

Back in 2013 I was on a lovely night ride from Kew Gardens to Box Hill and back. One of the highlights was that after ascending the famous Box Hill, there was the charms of a country and western themed pub that sold rather good burgers. It was back then that a chain snapped before I even reached Box Hill and after this a wowed that I would always take a spare just in case. You can read that blog post by clicking HERE.

I know that some of you out there reading this might think that this is overkill. I would have done too until the above happened. I am happy to report that it has neither happened since nor has it befallen anyone I have ridden with. 

So, while some people take a small length of chain and a chain splitting tool, I opt for an entire new chain. I suspect the trauma of it all was just too much and I didn't want a repeat. 

What do you think? Overkill or bing prepared?

Until next time, stay safe out there. 

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