Sunday, 20 December 2015

Brompton Christmas Lights Night Ride Video

Friday night, Saturday morning was to be the annual Christmas Lights Night Ride.

This was again brilliant and throughout the night I managed to capture some video footage. I had intended to shoot it in just 1080p at a high bit rate but stupidly shot all my video in the 4K setting - notoriously unforgiving to low light and not using a tripod.

In addition to this I left the white balance on auto rather than the 2 x custom presets I have taken hours to research.

Despite this I think it still capture the essence of a fun time with some wonderful people.

As always, watch in 1080p.

Link to video

1 comment:

  1. Lovely and festive!! Glad to see you're better. Best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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