Sunday 20 December 2015

Brompton Christmas Lights Night Ride Video

Friday night, Saturday morning was to be the annual Christmas Lights Night Ride.

This was again brilliant and throughout the night I managed to capture some video footage. I had intended to shoot it in just 1080p at a high bit rate but stupidly shot all my video in the 4K setting - notoriously unforgiving to low light and not using a tripod.

In addition to this I left the white balance on auto rather than the 2 x custom presets I have taken hours to research.

Despite this I think it still capture the essence of a fun time with some wonderful people.

As always, watch in 1080p.

Link to video

1 comment:

  1. Lovely and festive!! Glad to see you're better. Best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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