Saturday, 25 January 2025

Ultimate cat toy? That will be a Brompton G-Line box!

You might know that cats are very much a feature of our household. We have several cats, all of the Maine Coon variety. They are huge, naughty at times and full of fun. An unexpected Christmas present for them is still serving them very well. 

When my G-Line arrived, it stood in our large hall, making it a great deal smaller. I took my G-Line out of the box in came in, excitedly taking it to another room to put the saddle on and have a good look at it. The box was left in the hall. Within seconds, the box was being investigated by several cats. It was pushed over on its side. One cat sat on top while another two entered the little opening. Another, also inside the box, started to try and hit those on top. The final cat (have you worked out how many Maine Coon cats we have) decided it was a brilliant toy and joined its sibling on top. 

It is a good job the G-Line box is large as normal cats toys are next to useless for them. So, since I got my G-Line, the box has remained in the hall as the ultimate cat toy!

Until next time, stay safe out there people!

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