Sunday, 11 August 2024

St Pancras Church, Euston Road

On Euston Road, not too far from St Pancras Station sits St Pancras church. Word has it that this was one of the most expensive church builds since St Paul's Cathedral (yes the big one with the dome). This isn't the reason it holds some interest for me. 

Building started in 1819 and sculptor Charles Rossi spent nearly three years crafting the caryatids you can see below. They are made from Coade stone. This for me is the interesting part. 

Founded by Eleanor Coade in 1769, Coade stone dominated the trade in all things statue, busts, garden ornaments and tombstones for several years. Being weather resistance, it was made to a secret formula - that I believe still remains much of a mystery to this day. Despite the success of the company, it went under and the secret of Coade stone lost to time. 

There are many other examples of Coade stone having been used all across London but if you are ever passing St Pancras Church, you can see for yourself how well they have stood up to one of the busiest roads in London and all its undoubted pollution over the years. 

Until next time, be careful out there people!

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