Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Thank you for reading my efforts people!

I just had a quick peek at my humble blog statistics - something I do very infrequently. The number of people reading my efforts has continued to be ridiculously high. If things continue like this for the remainder of the month, I will achieve the highest number of page views ever. (Well since the last few months where this record has been broken). 

Looking at where the my readers are coming from, there is no surprise that the UK, USA and Germany are pretty high. My readers in the far East - Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore and China are also making themselves known. 

You can also follow me on Instagram (I could do with more followers) where you can see lots of photos on a near daily basis. Find me by typing the following into a search engine @orangebrompton 

Again, thank you all for reading and I hope that you keep coming back.

Until next time, stay safe out there people!


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