I have been getting acquainted with my Brompton Electric since I bought it and took it for a spin on Sunday morning. Heading down from north London I had not particular location in mind and just cycled for the pleasure of it.
I rolled down Swain's Lane and thought it a good idea to cycle back up once I reached the bottom. Carefully and slowly I made my ascent, first without the electric motor, wanting to test out the 12x gears. They do work rather well. Back up on power 1, I had some work to do but much less than I had previously and I ascended a great deal faster.
I eventually crossed the Thames for the first time over the Millenium Footbridge, taking a few photographs for good measure.
I passed Cross Bones and stopped for a look. This is a disused burial ground with over 10,000 people believed to have been buried there.
On the way back I heard someone shout out 'Orange' from across the road. (I cannot tell you what road it was). It was the gentleman that is, Ross from the Fridays. It was lovely to see him and I hoped he was out in London finding some interesting location for one of his Sunday rides. (They are my favourites). Later I found out that he was indeed.
So, still very much early days with the Brompton Electric but so far I am loving it. It seems that it will serve my purpose well. On the the flatter bits I won't need the motor at all - the 12x gears very much assisting with this. When the lumpy stuff arrives, the motor will go on. Today I had the motor on for about 22 miles, maily on power setting 1 and then power 2 when I wanted it for steeper inclines. When I got home the battery was showing 68%. That is rather pleasing. I suspect the maximum range stated by Brompton of 45 miles to be a conservative one, although I doubt it will be much more.
Until, next time, stay safe out there people.
So, you'll just about get through a Dunwich Dynamo on it?
ReplyDeleteIf I do the Dynamo I wouldn't really need the motor as it isn't really that lumpy a ride. Maybe 20 miles at the end would be fun though.