Sunday, 25 September 2011

Tyre pressures

I don't know if this applies to other Brompton riders but I was thinking about tyre pressures this morning.

Since owning my Brompton I have used it virtually every week day on my daily commute. Once a week I usually give my bike the once over and always check the tyre pressures. It occurred to me that I hardly ever do the same for my car! At best I might check them every two months.

Talking of Brompton bikes I have been toying with the idea of maybe one day adding a second to my collection. This time it would be an S-Type and probably 3 gears rather than the 6 I have on my Orange Brompton. As for colour I am at a loss? I started with Black and moved on to Turkish Green and now don't know. Any suggestions would be welcome.

In the meantime I will enjoy dreaming about my dream bike, albeit a second one!

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