Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Special Forces Casio PRG-240-1ER Pro-Trek Watch on a Brompton

You may be like me? I like big watches. Not the dainty, elegant little number that sits there on ones wrist. Not a wristwatch that sits there in the background, trying not be be noticed, like a sickly child with a note from matron; sitting on the sidelines and at best, bringing on orange slices at half time. No! Not me.

I am writing this as I have purchased a new watch. My previous watch suddenly gave up the ghost and therefore had to be replaced. It is harsh but that is the way it had to be. Below is a picture of my new bad boy. A Casio PRG-240-1ER Pro-Trek.

What a watch! Huge but not heavy.

Just look at it! It is over 5cm across and being an ABC watch - Altimeter, Barometer and Compass I know that at the push of a button I can find my way from New Bond Street using the built in compass. Check my elevation when on Hampstead High Street with the altimeter and find out if there is going to be any dramatic weather changes when riding along the King's Road by pushing the barometer button.

In addition I can find out the sunrise and sunset times for all major cities. Find out the current time in all major cities. Use the stopwatch, 24-hour countdown timer or one of the 5 daily alarms. Add the fact that it is solar powered and requires no batteries, is incredibly accurate and can withstand a depth of 100 metres, I think I'll be alright out there in the field as it were!!

I received it in the post this morning and have spent the best part of the day looking at it. Going out and about on my travels, a few people commented, 'what a big watch!' I merely gave a knowing smile and replied, 'I know...I know.'

The ABC buttons that provide 3 of several functions.

Riding to the local shops on my Brompton to get a litre of milk, I glanced down and thought that surely the SAS must use a watch like this? Surely Special Forces all across the world would? It soon dawned on me that the gulf between the cowardly me and the SAS or any Special Force for that matter was an ocean apart. Would I ever need these functions in the middle of London? I suspect I probably won't but it's nice to know that they are there...just in case!


  1. Surely the SBS not the SAS?
    Special Brompton Service!

  2. Wow! I could really go for that. Special Brompton Service. Has a certain ring to it.


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