
Tuesday 13 November 2012

Brompton Touch Up Paint

When I was at Mick's house and had my beloved Orange Brompton on his excellent work stand, we soon discovered areas where the paint had come off - mainly due to rubbing cables or scuff marks. My Orange Brompton is over two years old now and although I do look after it, there are certain areas that needed the odd bit of paint.

Mick had a supply of paint for all of his Brompton bikes and luckily one of his was black. The rear triangle on my Brompton had a few scuff marks and a dab of paint did the trick. When I left it soon dawned on me that I would need to get some of this paint for myself.

I placed an order with Brilliant Bikes and my three little 10ml pots of paint arrived today. The colours are:

  • Pure Orange (funny enough my favourite of the bunch)
  • Jet Black
  • Clear Lacquer

When you open the paint up there is a little brush, with which you can dab a small amount of paint on to the affected area. Over time I suspect you would have to apply again to the same area but it does provide instant gratification to see a scuff not gone totally, but much less noticeable.

The paint cost £6 per pot and should last ages as so little is required. I certainly wish that I had bought some ages ago and would recommend you out there buying some for your beloved Brompton.

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